Industry News


Knowledge about traffic lights

At the earliest, traffic lights only had two colors, red and green. Later, after improvement, a yellow light was added. The red light means stop, the yellow light means preparation, and the green light means pass. The reason why these three colors are used as traffic signals is also related to people's visual structure and psychological response. The human retina contains rod-shaped and three types of cone-shaped photoreceptor cells. The rod-shaped cells are particularly sensitive to yellow light, and the three types of cone-shaped cells are the most sensitive to red light, green light and blue light respectively. Because of this visual structure, it is easiest for humans to distinguish red from green. Although yellow and blue are also easy to distinguish, because the eyeball has fewer photoreceptors sensitive to blue light, it is better to distinguish between red and green. Traffic lights are not set arbitrarily. According to the optical principle, red light has a long wavelength, has a strong ability to penetrate the air, and is more noticeable than other signals. Therefore, as a signal for prohibition of passage, green is used as a notification signal because the difference between red and green is the largest, and it is easy to Distinguish (red-green color blindness is a minority after all). In addition, color can also express some specific meaning, to express hot or violent, the strongest is red, followed by yellow. Green has colder and calmer connotations. Therefore, people often use red for danger, yellow for warning, and green for safety.

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Do you know what traffic lights are?

Traffic lights are signal lights that direct traffic operations, generally consisting of red lights, green lights, and yellow lights. A red light means no passage, a green light means passage is permitted, and a yellow light means a warning. Traffic lights are divided into: motor vehicle signal light, non-motor vehicle signal light, pedestrian crossing signal light, direction indicator light (arrow signal light), lane signal light, flashing warning signal light, road and railway level crossing signal light. At the intersection, there are red, yellow, green and three-color traffic lights hanging on all sides. It is a silent "traffic police". Traffic lights are internationally unified traffic lights. A red light is a stop signal and a green light is a go signal. At the intersection, cars from several directions gather here, some have to go straight, some have to turn, and whoever goes first is to obey the traffic lights. When the red light is on, it is forbidden to go straight or turn left, and the vehicle is allowed to turn right without obstructing pedestrians and vehicles; when the green light is on, the vehicle is allowed to go straight or turn; when the yellow light is on, it stops within the stop line at the intersection or the pedestrian crossing line and has continued to pass; When the yellow light is flashing, warn the vehicle to pay attention to safety.

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LED road signage | LED zebra crossing emerges for smart transportation construction

LED road signage In recent years, thanks to the continuous progress of LED technology and the vigorous promotion of smart transportation construction, LED zebra crossings that "can speak and glow" have covered many cities, adding assistance to urban appearance and civilization construction, and lighting up traffic intersections. The "Life Protection Line" has formed a beautiful landscape. LED zebra crossing, also known as smart zebra crossing, is a new type of transportation facility that has appeared in recent years. . Lighting: According to the change of the color of the LED indicator, passing vehicles and pedestrians can get warnings from it, reminding people to pay attention to courteous passage. When pedestrians walk on the zebra crossing, the LED light will emit green light; when the traffic light is red, it will emit red light to remind pedestrians not to pass; when the red light and green light are about to change, the ground light will emit yellow light. Can "speak": When pedestrians stand on the zebra crossing, different voice prompts will be issued as the color of the traffic lights changes, such as "red lights are prohibited", "please observe traffic safety" and so on. When there is a violation of traffic rules such as running a red light, a voice broadcast will be quickly issued to warn, and it will also be exposed on the LED display synchronously.  

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Seoul installs ground traffic lights for bowheads

Traffic lights In order to prevent the traffic accidents of the "bow-headed people", various districts in Seoul, South Korea set off an upsurge of installing "ground signal lights". According to a report by Yonhap News Agency on the 11th, the ground signal lights are installed on the waiting line of the pedestrian crossing and are LED signal light auxiliary devices used to inform pedestrians of the change of the signal lights. Since the ground signal lights and the frame signal lights are linked, they will operate 24 hours a day. Currently, nearly 1,200 ground signal lights are installed in 25 districts in Seoul, of which Gangnam has the most (138). Relevant sources said that the ground signal lights were originally used to prevent traffic accidents for the bow-headed people. Later, they found that they could remind children who are close to the lane to back off. Therefore, many parents and schools of students asked for more ground signal lights. Although the ground signal lights also attracted some complaints, such as being too dazzling at night, the general public responded well, and the parents of the students were even more welcome. According to the Seoul Metropolitan Government, the installation cost of each ground signal light is about 25 million to 30 million won.

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What is the use of led billboard light?

With the development of science and technology, people have been inseparable from the support of technological products. Led billboard light is a relatively popular product at present and can be used in many industries. The same is true for led billboard light, which is widely used by people. So, in which areas are led billboard light used? led billboard light is generally used in advertising. Now no matter which industry it is, they will choose to place a led display at the plaque, and use luminous characters to promote it, so that the advantages of the business can be clearly displayed, which can play a better role in publicity. Secondly, now some important institutions or regular companies will hang a led screen and use led billboard light to transmit information. This allows all employees to get the information they should, and also saves some communication costs.

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